The world of digital theatre is exploding. We, as theatre makers have to look to new ways of experiencing theatre. Co-Artistic Directors of Theatre Uncut Emma Callander and Hannah Price are offering bespoke consultancy, lectures and learning support to universities, schools, colleges and other educational organisations.
Emma and Hannah are passionate about supporting the university, school, college and drama school communities during this time of reinvention. We are offering:
Consultancy on specific projects or course structures that explore digital theatre
Bespoke online lectures to support students and staff tailored to the specific course, class size and year group
Mentoring for students working on digital theatre projects
Sessions reflecting on the current landscape and politics of digital theatre
Practical focus on techniques and technology of creation and capture
“Theatre Uncut is a company that has always been preoccupied with stretching the limits of who can be part of theatre, where theatre can get to and what theatre can be. Using the internet as a connecting and interactive tool has been part of their practice since their inception. Students and attendees found the session and the resources very useful. I thoroughly recommend it to Universities and other collectives interested in political theatre, digital models of theatre practice and current developments in the industry.”
The company’s current project Bubble by Kieran Hurley is an exploration of the nature of digital theatre, freedom of speech within the university context and online debate. The performances are captured on mobile phone cameras by a cast of students from universities across the UK and Europe who never met. Bubble is available for universities, school and collgees across the world to use as a teaching resource until 23rd April 2023. Access can be requested here. The project was created with The Space.
So far Emma and Hannah have delivered sessions for organisations including Princeton, Royal Holloway, Exeter, York, Reading and Copenhagen Universities, Edinburgh College, Youth Theatre Ireland.
As well as our work with Bubble, Hannah and Emma have extensive experience working with VR, 360 video, video games, mo-cap, per-cap and face capture, binaural sound and other innovations in the digital sphere.
If you would like to talk about how Theatre Uncut could support your online learning plans please contact