Theatre Uncut
Political Theatre for Everyone Everywhere
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News (Copy)

Find out what the Theatre Uncut team are working on right now


Theatre Uncut Political Playwriting Award 2020

We are delighted to announce our second Political Playwriting Award.

Click here for more info.

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Digital Theatre Workshops

We are now offering workshops and consultancy on Digital Theatre. Click here for more information.


Bubble by Kieran Hurley

What happens when a male lecturer calls a female student a slut?…

We have partnered with 6 universities across Europe to create a unique borderless piece of digital theatre that explores freedom of speech in the university community and the nature of online debate.

After receiving an extraordinary response, with over 195,000 streams worldwide and the script downloaded in 32 countries, we are delighted to announce that we are making the film and playtext available for students and staff in schools, colleges and universities until 31st March 2023. Click here to request access.

“a brilliant and unsettling piece of screen drama, which takes the idea of social media as an arena for dramatic writing to impressive new heights.” the Scotsman 

Co-Artistic Directors Emma Callander and Hannah Price are also running online workshops and consultation on digital theatre practice for schools, colleges and universities. Please contact for more info.

This collaboration with Theatre Uncut was planned long before the pandemic, but its experimentation with online performance could have been made for this moment.
— The Guardian

The production of two Palestinians go dogging by Sami Ibrahim has now been postponed as the Royal Court Theatre has closed its doors until further notice

Click here for more info

Image of Sami Ibrahim by Ali Wright


Shortlisted Theatre Uncut Award play at the Sherman Theatre

The Merthyr Stigmatist by Lisa Parry will open at the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff on 2nd October 2020

Click here for more info


New Participants

Theatre Uncut creates communities across the world. If you are planning a Theatre Uncut event or have been part of an event in the past visit our brand new Mass Participation Map here and send us your info.

Don't forget to tweet us, Facebook us and instagram us all of your news. 

“Theatre Uncut isn’t just a performance, it’s an idea: that theatre can be immediately responsive to world events, engender discussion and effect change.”
— the Guardian