Playwrights Gallery

Mohammad Al Attar (Syria)
A Chance Encounter (2012) translated by Clem Naylor

Davey Anderson (Scotland)
True or False & Fear and Lothing in West Lothian (IndyRef 2013) Police State (Istanbul 2014)

Clara Brennan (England)
Hi Vis (2011), Spine (2012) The Wing (2013), Pachamama (2014)

Marco Canale (Argentina)
The Birth of my Violence (2012)

Rachel Chavkin (USA)
Recipe (2012)

Caryl Churchill (England)
Tickets Are Now On Sale (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Derem Çıray (Turkey)
Apollo 8844 (Istanbul 2014)

Ryan Craig (England)
Please Forgive Us Whoever You Are (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

April De Angelis (England)
The Sun City (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Blanca Domenech (Spain)
Dead Point (2012)

Rob Drummond (Scotland)
Party Pieces (IndyRef 2014)

Inua Ellams (England/Nigeria)
Reset Everything (2014)

Beyond the Fringe (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Vivienne Franzmann (England)
The Most Horrific (2014)

Apathy (2015)

David Grieg (Scotland)
Fragile (2011) Dalgety (2012)

Hakan Gunday (Turkey)
Flesh On Bone (Istanbul 2014)

Tanika Gupta (England)
Project N.I.G.H.T (2013)

Lewis Hetherington (Scotland)
The White Stag (IndeRef 2013)

Kieran Hurley (Scotland)
London 2012: Glasgow (2012), Amanda (2013), Close (IndeRef 2013)

Dennis Kelly (England)
Things That Make No Sense (2011)

Hannah Khalil (England)
A Bond of Love (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Lucy Kirkwood (England)
Housekeeping (2011)

Lena Kitsopoulou (Greece)
The Price (2012) translated by Aliki Chapple

Neil LaBute (USA)
In the Beginning (2012) Pick One (2013)

Laura Lomas (England)
Open Heart Surgery (2011)

Anders Lustgarten (England)
The Fat Man (2011), The Breakout (2012), The Finger of God (2014)

Sabrina Mahfouz (England)
Caldarium (Copenhagen 2016)

Hattie Naylor (England)
Faust For Kids (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Gbolahan Obisesan (England)
Re:Exhibit (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Aleksa Okanovic (Denmark)
Brown Baby (Copenhagen 2016)

Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson (Iceland)
Indulge (2012)

Berkun Oya (Turkey)
Life Knocking on the Door of a Familiar House on an Ordinary Day (Istabul 2014) Closed (Copenhagen 2016)

Julia Pascal (England)
Old Newline ((Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Evan Placey (England)
Bandwagon (Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Tim Price (Wales)
Capitalism is Crisis

Joan Rang Christense (Denmark)
Europe (Copenhagen 2016)

Mark Ravenhill (England)
A Bigger Banner (2011)

Atria Sen Gupta (England)
The Flood (Copenhagen 2016)

Stef Smith (Scotland)
250 Words (2012), smoke and Mirrors (Istanbul 2014)

Andri Snær Magnason (Iceland)
Indulge (2012)

Laila Soliman (Egypt)
Immigrant (2012)

Sarah Solemani (England)
Acting Towards the Process of Peace(Walking the Tightrope 2014, with Offstage Theatre)

Hayley Squires (England)
Blondie (2012) Ira Provitt and the Man (2014)

Henrik Szklany (Denmark)
That's My Name (Copenhagen 2016)

AJ Tavdevin (Scotland)
12.57 (IndeRef 2013)

Jack Thorne (England)
Whiff Waff (2011)

Ayfer Tunc (Turkey)
A Lesson in Lynching (Istanbul 2014)